LibGDX Game Tutorial Coming Soon

13 Jul 2014 - Tags: gamedev, java, libgdx


I am planning on starting to work on a game that has been in my mind for the past four years. Since 2010 I have been on-and-off working on a TBS game very similar to Advanced Wars for Android. Since then I have started multiple projects that were related to certain parts of the development process but I never got to really finish any of them. Or at least finish them to a point that I felt comfortable with them. I did a good tech demo using AndEngine back in 2010 but due to limited time and knowledge I had to stop development. Between 2011 and 2012 I worked on MechTactics, a game engine that handled the network back-end of a multiplayer TBS as well as the game logic. This is the project that I feel came out the best, as I got to achieve the goals that I set for the project. But because of work, research and school, I did not have enought time to work on this sort of side projects. Between 2013 and now I still managed to squeeze some small projects, couple python games and a small java project that I did for school.

Starting with LibGDX

I found LibGDX last year and I worked on some simple demos. LibGDX is definetly more complex than AndEngine but it is also way more powerfull and also cross-compatible with OSX, Web and Dektop. I will document here my development process, remember I am just starting and learning with LibGDX, so this is not going to be a tutorial.