20 Oct 2017
Going from Gen1/2 straight to GenVII puts things in perspective. We have come a long ways from 1use TM, 2d sprites, no EVs or breeding.
Going from Gen1/2 straight to GenVII puts things in perspective. We have come a long ways from 1use TM, 2d sprites, no EVs or breeding.
Just beat the Elite Four in Crystal. Now I will explore Kanto and then I will jump forward to GenV.
I just bought a box of GameCube games and accessories from someone at work. To my surpise, there was also a GameCube component cable in it.
Its time to watch Soul Eater. I am so behind on my anime queue :(
PAX is always a great time and it is just a short walk down my street. This year I only went two out of the four days and tried to look around rather than wait in lines. I may have not tried as many games as on years prior but I still go to get my gaming fix for the weekend.