21 Nov 2016
Well that was brutal. I should give Lucio a try now.
Well that was brutal. I should give Lucio a try now.
My blog is like 95% white space. I need some really cut down on margins and padding.
This Armada guy is ok. Maybe one day he will win something. Top in his neighborhood maybe? https://clips.twitch.tv/armadaugs/EnchantingHedgehogTTours
I stopped by @gameovervideogames today and I found this awesome game :)
Some quick point.
Nice and responsive UI
Options for hosting your repo
Good pricing
The Bad:
Loves to commit and push changes all the time
Did I mention that SiteLeaf like committing to the repo more than it should? Well, it does.
Stop it!! I will use your site but don’t create commits and push them without asking me for permission.
I already finished the fist and last game. Might as well go all the way and finish the whole series.
Some days I love my job and some days I hate it(not really) :/
Empathy going to work
Finally completed Advanced Wars ;)
Another cloudy day in Seattle :)