System restarting, wait...

16 Mar 2017

A beautiful day in Seattle but I will be stuck inside fixing bugs :/

04 Mar 2017

Idea/Graddle got screwed up and I had to spend 4 hours figuring it out. I don't even know what went wrong but restarting fixed it -_-

Enabling Chromium password storage in i3

27 Feb 2017 - Tags: chromium, i3, linux

Chroium may not use the correct password storage under linux if it fails to detect the desktop enviroment. In my case, when using i3 as my WM witout a desktop enviroment, Chromium was failing to unlock the keychain and a result all my creds would have been stored in plain text. To solve this problem you can use the --password-store=<basic|gnome|kwallet> paramenter. Since I use gnome-keyring, I will use –password-storage=gnome, to ensure Chromium stores all the creds in the gnome-keyring.

Couple things that help me debug this issue was the information at chrome://signin-internals and the flags --enable-logging=stderr --v=1 to enable logging in Chromium. Also if you want to make the --password-store a permanent flag in Arch Linux, you can store it in chromium-flags.conf under $HOME/.config/.


24 Feb 2017

I still need to finish Bayonetta 1&2 U.U

24 Feb 2017

Cloudflare Reverse Proxies are Dumping Uninitialized Memory. This is serious :/

23 Feb 2017

This is awesome. SuperTuxKart go ahead!!

Done using SiteLeaf

22 Feb 2017 - Tags: blog, siteieaf

Well that did not last long. I tried using Siteleaf but I had to drop it pretty quickly. The problem was that my personal workflow did not match well with Siteleaf’s, constant commits, issues with sign in, issues with deployments and having to pay montly fee. At the end I just got back to hosting everything in AWS and manage it all myself.

The workflow now is:

  1. Edit on client
  2. Push changes to AWS central repo
  3. Deploy to test
  4. Deploy to prod
  5. Push changes to github


17 Feb 2017

My PSO collection!

16 Feb 2017


13 Feb 2017

I am trying to be cost-neutral with my game acquisition. Selling some games should allow me to get new ones.

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