Enabling Chromium password storage in i3

27 Feb 2017 - Tags: chromium, i3, linux

Chroium may not use the correct password storage under linux if it fails to detect the desktop enviroment. In my case, when using i3 as my WM witout a desktop enviroment, Chromium was failing to unlock the keychain and a result all my creds would have been stored in plain text. To solve this problem you can use the --password-store=<basic|gnome|kwallet> paramenter. Since I use gnome-keyring, I will use –password-storage=gnome, to ensure Chromium stores all the creds in the gnome-keyring.

Couple things that help me debug this issue was the information at chrome://signin-internals and the flags --enable-logging=stderr --v=1 to enable logging in Chromium. Also if you want to make the --password-store a permanent flag in Arch Linux, you can store it in chromium-flags.conf under $HOME/.config/.
