Dev Blog 160913

13 Sep 2016 - Tags: battlevr, meetup, prototype, vr

I finally got to show the prototype I have for BattleVR in this video as well as a Reddit thread. The reaction was overall positive with some discussion, which is always good. What I am showing is the milestone that I call Prototype 3. The idea with prototype 1-3 was for me to get familiar with Unity and to code the basic systems that would power the game. Basically a POC with most of the core components of the game.

Now that the code and the word is out, my plan is to do weekly iterations along side with a blog post. I have also update the Roadmap and the Milestones page. Now the project is moving into Alpha-1 stage.


Added Support for LOD - e9c75d9f397bb5c42ec6bad7f874fc07ed7632ad

This is the first change after moving into Alpha-1. It involves replacing the main meshes(player ships, capital ships, space station) with LOD(Level of Detail) Groups. This are basically an abstraction that allows me to provide different meshes of different complexity based on the distance of the camera. I added support for LOD groups in the PlayerPrefab and the respective AssetManager methods. Also some enviromental objects are using LOD Groups like Capital Ships and the SpaceStation in the middle of Level1.

That all for last week. Thanks for reading.